What is Green Coffee? Green coffee is the result of brewing unroasted coffee beans or what is otherwise known as coffee fruit. As we all know, the bitterness of the coffee that we enjoy today is the product of brewing dark coffee beans. But before they become like this they needed to be roasted to perfection. In 1100AD, the method of roasting was not yet practiced so people brewed green coffee beans to produce a tea-like beverage. The product of brewing green coffee beans is still used to make some types of Arabic coffee today.
The hype behind pure Green Coffee Bean extracts – Due to the attention that diet specialists and celebrity fitness trainers have given to pure green coffee bean extract supplements, a lot of people have been wondering if this may be the solution to most of their health problems. First of all, you need to know that natural supplements do not, in any way, claim to be the cure to various diseases. However, you cannot disregard the fact that people in ancient times rarely suffered from diseases that can be found in a lot of individuals these days and the reason must be because they treated their ailments with natural remedies and not with synthetically formulated medications prescribed by physicians these days.

Disregarding the fact that coffee can be addictive because of its caffeine content, it can still deliver a lot of health benefits because of its antioxidant properties. However, the process of roasting breaks down most of the beneficial compounds that can be found in the beans and increase their caffeine content. For this reason, the best possible way to enjoy the benefits of coffee is by consuming the extracts of pure green coffee beans in small amounts.
When looking for an authentic capsule, Nutrafirst has the best Green Coffee Capsule for weight loss. These unroasted beans are enriched with essential compounds such as antioxidants, 50% chlorogenic acid, flavonoids, esters, and many more.
How to use this supplement and what to expect from it – As far as the dosage is concerned, the extract should be taken in 800mg capsules twice a day, with about half of hour before eating. Also, keep in mind that, in order to provide the best results, the pills should contain 100% pure green coffee extract, nothing else.
Of course, it is advisable to enhance the benefits of the weight loss supplements with a balanced diet and regular workout sessions. Also, if you need to, you can safely give your body a boost of vitamins without worrying that they may interact with the green coffee extract, but, just in case, it is better to see a physician before taking any supplements, natural or not.
Who should not use Green Coffee Bean extract? Taking into consideration that, both in green coffee and in roasted coffee, the amount of caffeine is quite high, their derivates should not be consumed by those who suffer from one or more of the following conditions.
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